Zvinowanikwa Zvigadzirwa

  • According to different application environments, we can guide customers on how to install and use switches, or provide customers with suggestions on the selection according to technical requirements.According to different application environments, we can guide customers on how to install and use switches, or provide customers with suggestions on the selection according to technical requirements.

    Kuisa gwaro

    Zvinoenderana nenzvimbo dzakasiyana dzekushandisa, tinogona kutungamira vatengi pamaitiro ekuisa uye kushandisa switch, kana kupa vatengi mazano pane izvo sarudzo maererano nezvinodiwa zvehunyanzvi.
  • When a product malfunctions during use, we will assist customers in analyzing the cause of the problem through telephone, email, and malfunctioning product samples. If necessary, we can send technical personnel to the customer's production site to assist in the analysis to ensure that the problem is resolved smoothly.When a product malfunctions during use, we will assist customers in analyzing the cause of the problem through telephone, email, and malfunctioning product samples. If necessary, we can send technical personnel to the customer's production site to assist in the analysis to ensure that the problem is resolved smoothly.

    kuongorora dambudziko

    Kana chigadzirwa chikatadza kushanda panguva yekushandisa, isu tinobatsira vatengi mukuongorora chinokonzera dambudziko kuburikidza nerunhare, email, uye zvisirizvo zvigadzirwa zvechigadzirwa. Kana zvichidikanwa, tinogona kutumira vashandi vehunyanzvi kunzvimbo yemutengi yekugadzira kuti vabatsire pakuongorora kuti vaone kuti dambudziko ragadziriswa zvakanaka.
  • According to the customer's application environment, we can help customers make test equipment that simulates the application environment to test the selected products to ensure that the product can meet the needs of the application environment, and provide test results reports for reference.According to the customer's application environment, we can help customers make test equipment that simulates the application environment to test the selected products to ensure that the product can meet the needs of the application environment, and provide test results reports for reference.

    Zvinodiwa zvebvunzo

    Zvinoenderana nenzvimbo yemutengi yekushandisa, isu tinogona kubatsira vatengi kugadzira bvunzo michina inoenzanisira nharaunda yekushandisa kuyedza zvigadzirwa zvakasarudzwa kuona kuti chigadzirwa chinogona kusangana nezvinodiwa nharaunda yekushandisa, uye nekupa mhedzisiro yemhedzisiro mhedzisiro.
  • Provide timely technical advice to assist customers in the correct installation and use of products. During the development of new products, it can assist customers in successfully completing the design and development of new products and promptly solve the questions encountered in the product application, so that the product can be more stably applied to supporting products.Provide timely technical advice to assist customers in the correct installation and use of products. During the development of new products, it can assist customers in successfully completing the design and development of new products and promptly solve the questions encountered in the product application, so that the product can be more stably applied to supporting products.

    Mushure-kutengesa basa

    Ipa rairo rakakodzera panguva yehunyanzvi kubatsira vatengi mune chaiyo kuiswa uye kushandiswa kwezvigadzirwa. Munguva yekuvandudzwa kwezvigadzirwa zvitsva, inogona kubatsira vatengi mukubudirira kupedzisa dhizaini nekuvandudzwa kwezvigadzirwa zvitsva uye nekukurumidza kugadzirisa mibvunzo inosangana mukushandisa kwechigadzirwa, kuitira kuti chigadzirwa chigone kunyatso shandiswa kune zvinotsigira zvigadzirwa.


  • about us

Zhejiang Lema Magetsi Co, Ltd.iri Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province. Iyo kambani yakavambwa muna 1986 Lema yakazvipira kuR & D, kugadzirwa uye kutengesa kweanodzora maindasitiri emagetsi switch. Zvigadzirwa zvekambani zvinosanganisira micro switch uye kufamba (muganho) Chinja, bhatani bhatani switch, tsoka switch, switch switch, zadzisa muchengeti, AC simba socket. Mushure memakore angangoita makumi matatu ekugadzika kwakadzikama, Lema ave hombe-hukuru hunyanzvi hwekugadzira micro switch muChina. Iyo kambani parizvino inovhara nzvimbo inopfuura 11,000 mativi emamita.

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Nzvimbo Yekushandisa

Mutengi Shanyira Nhau

Arikupi Bhizinesi redu renzvimbo: Parizvino isu takamisa prosy agent masisitimu muAlgeria, Egypt, Iran, South Africa, India, Malaysia nedzimwe Southeast Asia Nyika. Zvakare kuMiddle East neSouth America. Isu tine mudiwa uye nhamba hombe yevatengi.